Notification on WhatsApp from Investor
Fundacle WhatsApp notification allows to you get instant notification of interest shown by any investor globally.

Step 1 List you business proposal on Fundacle as Businessman / Business Seller / Innovator.

Step 2 When any Investor shows inetrest on your business proposal you get WhatsApp on your regisetred mobile number on Fundacle.

Start Raising Funds via Fundacle

Tell Your Story

Your business is unique, and only you can share your vision in a compelling way. Inspire investors through vivid descriptions, thoughtful analysis, photos, and videos that let them directly experience why you’re enthusiastic about your business.

Raise Capital

Engage with investors: answer their questions and provide regular updates. Raising capital is like a political campaign—only here investors vote with their wallets. To “win,” you must build and sustain a compelling case for your business.

Get Back to Business

Your company was backed by a group of investors because they share in your vision and believe you are going to be successful. Now, as you put their investment to use, you should put all your energy into proving them right.